Minggu, 03 Mei 2009

Tugas Normalisasi

Mapping of ERD image above:

1NF/First Normal Form

A form of normal relations, said the first, if and only if every attribute value for every single line. Each field is only one definition, is not a collection of words that has two meanings, one meaning only and not the fraction is also the word - th

e word means so that the other. There is no set of attributes that\ repeatedly or attribute double value.

2NF/Second Normal Form

Second Normal form (NF 2) is:

1). Meets 1 of NF (normal first).
2). Non-key attributes must depend on the function key / primery key.
So that the second normal form for each table / file must be specified attribute keys.

3NF/Third Normal Form

Definition of Third Normal Form (NF 3) is:
1). Meet the 2 forms of NF (both normal).
2). Non-key attributes do not have a transitive dependency on the key / key primery.

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